Leather Garments and Accessories - Stirring Up the Style Quotient!

Talks on Free Trade Agreement between India and the European Union have resumed after a gap of eight years. If negotiations meet the desired end then it augurs well for the leather and leather products industry besides several other sectors in India. A surge in exports can be expected due to increased investment and geographical indication (GI); the latter being a sign used on products to identify them with a specific geographical origin. 

The latest trends in the leather industry in India


Leather is one of the highly exported items worldwide. The industry is one of the top 10 foreign exchange earners for India and holds a significant position in the country’s economic well-being. 


·         Increased demand for luxury goods: Trendy footwear and leather fashion items, including garments and accessories, are in high demand due to lifestyle changes, increased disposable income, esteem factors, etc. 

·         Environmental impact: Traditionally leather industry had come under scrutiny for pollution and environmental hazards. Usage of toxic chemicals and manufacturing processes may have led to several health issues for the factory workers while water pollution had also been an area of concern. However, modern technology has introduced closed-loop, low-emission tanning using reclaimed, recycled, and pollutant-free ingredients. Indian government’s initiative, STEP (Sustainable Technology and Environmental Protection) is paving the path for ec0-friendly production facilities.

Unique qualities of leather: While several substitute materials score over leather, the product’s intrinsic value as a prestige good is often irreplaceable. Hence, leather garments manufacturers’ are not competitors to the synthetic fibre apparel manufacturers, but instead gainfully build on the fashion quotient and renewability factors of leather. 

A statistical overview of the industry


The leather industry employs around 4.42 million people in India and is a key women's employment generator in rural areas. The industry is broadly divided into four major sectors, namely, tanning, footwear, garments, and accessories. 


India is the second-largest exporter of leather garments in the world, with the sector accounting for about 7.03% of total leather exports in 2021-22. The estimated value of total exports of leather and leather products in 2021-22 was approximately $4.87 billion. 


The leather, leather goods, and pickers industry witnessed a cumulative FDI inflow of around $222 million between Apr 2000 to Mar 2022. 


Where to find suitable leather garments manufacturer?

Industry Experts is connected with the best leather garments manufacturers in the country. You can rely on us for end-to-end guidance in selecting the appropriate supplier in the industry.

Source:- https://www.industryexperts.co.in/blog/leather-garments-and-accessories-stirring-up-the-style-quotient



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